Cómo los Probióticos podrían ayudarlo a controlar su peso
Fuentes y Referencias
1 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health, David and Anne Frahm, 2003 2 USAToday.com, Elizabeth Weise, Obesity linked to microbes 3 Science of Translational Medicine 2013 Mar 27;5(178):178ra41 4 Wellnessresources.com January 4, 2014 5 Journal of Bacteriology February 2013: 195(3); 411-416 6 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition March 2008: 87(3); 534-538 7 The ISME Journal 2013: 7, 880–884 8 The ISME Journal 2013: 7, 880–884 9 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition March 2008: 87(3); 534-538 10 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2013; 98(4):E698-702. 11 Science News January 11, 2014 12 Science News January 11, 2014 13 International Human Microbiome Consortium 14 US National Institute of Health’s Human Microbiome Project 15 Human Food Project, American Gut
16 Mercola.com, Nancy Lee Bentley, The incredible health benefits to you of traditionally fermented foods, January 3, 2004