Via Organica’s Zero Waste Campaign: Be Part of the Movement!
Let’s Make San Miguel the First Zero-Waste City in Mexico!
The objective of the Zero Waste movement is to move all reusable, recyclable, and organic matter out of landfills. Composting is an important part of the Zero Waste movement— food waste that would previously be rotting in the landfill, releasing dangerous methane gas and making garbage pickers sick, is instead transformed into an essential ingedient in healthy soils.
In the United States, green-minded cities like San Francisco and Seattle have now passed laws requiring all household and commercial food wastes to be separated and composted. Let’s follow their lead and be pioneers in Mexico’s Zero Waste future.
Join Vía Orgánica’s Zero Waste Club:
How? Become a member with a $50pesos donation. We will give you two buckets; a small, black one for your kitchen scraps and a big, white one for storage until you deliver it, full, to Via Organica. We will take your food scraps to our farm and turn it into healthy compost! When you drop off your full bucket we will give you a clean one in return.
When? Monday and/or Friday 8-8:30 am
Do Compost
Do Not Compost
Want to help even more? Separate:
If you separate your garbage before it goes to the landfill, garbage pickers won’t have to, making it more likely that the materials will get recylced and the garbage workers will not get sick or injured picking through our trash.